“…A performer of great communicative power”
Richard Goode

At the age of 16, Eunae traveled to the United States on a full scholarship to Juilliard Pre-college division. After finishing her joint undergraduate and master’s program at Juilliard under the tutelage of the late Martin Canin, Eunae furthered her studies with the legendary pianist Richard Goode, at the Mannes School. Thereafter, driven by her passion for artistic and scholarly growth as a pianist, Eunae obtained her Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Northwestern University, under the guidance of James Giles.
Eunae is a laureate of numerous international piano competitions including: ARD International Music Competition, Bosendorfer International Piano Competition, Hilton Head International Piano Competition, and many more.

Full English Bio (Click)
Described by renowned pianist Richard Goode as “a performer of great communicative power,” and hailed by the Cleveland Plain Dealer as “a pianist with bold intensity,” EunAe Lee is, without a doubt, among the most decorated, critically-acclaimed Korean pianists of our time.
Beginning her journey in Korea, EunAe received her music instruction at Yewon Arts School and Seoul Arts High School before moving to the United States in 2004. While in Korea, she presented her solo debut at age 14, performing Saint-Saëns’ Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of Bong Kim. She went on to place in several prestigious national competitions in Korea, including the Korea Times National Piano Competition and the Music Journal National Piano Competition, among several others.
EunAe’s critical success in Korea brought her to the United States, where she enrolled in Juilliard’s highly selective, joint Bachelor’s and Master’s degree program, and studied under the tutelage of Martin Canin. Following her residence at Julliard, she worked with renowned pianist Richard Goode at Mannes College in the New School of Music, where she received her Artist Diploma. As a student, EunAe has worked extensively with legendary pianist Cécile Oussét, and performed in the masterclasses of Emanuel Ax, Alfred Brendel, Richard Goode, Murray Perahia, Mitsuko Uchida, Lang Lang, and Garrick Ohlsson.
Throughout her distinguished career, EunAe has been selected as a top prize-winner in numerous competitions. She received the Bärenreiter Urtext Prize and the Alice Rosnet Prize for her interpretation of Béla Bartók in the ARD International Music Competition in Munich, where she performed with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. She has also placed in the Hilton Head International Piano Competition, the Bösendorfer USASU International Piano Competition, the Juilliard Mozart Concerto Competition, the World Piano Teachers Association International Piano Competition, and the Karlfied Normann Scholarship Competition in New York City, amongst others. EunAe was also honored as a semi-finalist in the Cleveland International Piano Competition, the Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition and the Queen Elisabeth International Piano Competition in Belgium. In 2017, she was recognized as one of the thirty finalists at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.
In addition to receiving honors in both national and international competitions, EunAe has given numerous solo recitals upon invitation at a variety of venues. These include solo recitals at the Dame Myra Hess recital and the Pianoforte Foundation Series, both of which were broadcasted live on Radio WFMT 98.7 FM. She was also featured as a soloist on Radio Classical 89.1 and 89.5 FM, and was interviewed by the host Steven Kapp Perry. Her performance highlights include solo and chamber appearances in Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall, the Peter Jay Sharp Theatre, Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage, Merkin Hall, and Flushing Town Hall, to name a select few.
EunAe received her doctoral degree at Northwestern University under the direction of Dr. James Giles.
한국어 약력 (Click)
한국일보, 음악저널, 틴에이져, 서울교대, 숙명여대 콩쿨 등 많은 국내 유수 콩쿨 입상으로 어린시절부터 음악가로서 두각을 나타낸 피아니스트 이은애는 예원학교를 졸업하고 서울예술고등학교에 수석 입학, 1학년 재학중 미국 유학길에 올라 뉴욕 줄리어드 예비학교를 전액 장학생으로 수료하였다. 2006년에는 줄리어드 음대 장학생으로 입학하여 L.&M. Burle, G. G. Ulmer Memorial, William Petschek, Susan W. Rose, Joseph Louis Spencer &Zylpha Allen Spencer, Alice D. Metter 장학금을 수상하였고, 저명한 피아니스트이자 교육자인 마틴 캐닌(Martin Canin)을 사사하며 5년만에 학사와 석사(5-year accelerated Bachelor’s and Master’s program)학위를 취득하였다. 2011년에는 뉴욕 메네스 음대 전문 연주자 과정을 밟았으며, 미국의 거장 피아니스트 리차드 구드(Richard Goode)를 사사했다.
줄리어드 음대 재학중 피아니스트 이은애는 미국 Karl Normann Scholarship 콩쿨과줄리어드 콘체르토 콩쿨에서 그녀의 탁월한 음악성을 주목받으며 우승하였다. 또한독일 뮌헨 ARD 국제 콩쿨 Final 진출과 함께 BarenreiterUrtext 상과 바르톡 소나타 해석 특별상(Special Prize for the interpretation of Bela Bartok’s Piano Sonata)을 수상하는 영예를 안았다. 2014년에는 미국 시카고 이삭 테뷰 기부 장학금 콩쿨 (Thaviu-Isaak Endowed Piano Scholarship Competition)에서 장학금을 수상하였고,힐튼 헤드 국제 콩쿨(Hilton Head International Piano Competition)에서 3위를 수상하였다. 올해 2015년에는 세계적인 뵈젠도르퍼 국제 콩쿨(Bosendorfer International Piano Competition)에서 2위와 쇼팽 에튀드 최고 해석 특별상을 수상하였다.
피아니스트 이은애는 그녀의 다채로운 수상경력을 바탕으로 뉴욕 링컨센터 Alice Tully Hall 에서 줄리어드 오케스트라와 협연하였으며, 독일 뮌헨 챔버 오케스트라, 서울시립교향악단, 독일 Bavarian Radio Symphony 오케스트라 등의 세계적인 오케스트라와 협연하며 진정한 연주자로서 발돋음하였다. 또한, Peter Jap Sharp Theater, Lincoln Center Chamber Society, Queens Hall, Markin Hall, Bowdoin Music Festival, The Town Hall, Mannes Beethoven Institute, Gasteig Philharmonic Hall 연주에서 두각을 나타냈으며, 알프레드 브렌델, 머레이 페라이어, 존 페리, 게릭 올슨, 세실 우쎄, 리차드 구드, 랑랑, 로버트 맥도날드, 제롬 로웬탈, 조나단 비스 등 세계 유명 피아니스트와의 공식 마스터클래스를 통해 더욱 더 깊이있는 예술가로 거듭났다. 2014년에는 Dame Myra Hess 리사이틀에서 연주하였고 이는 라디오 WFMT 98.7 fm에서 실황으로 생중계되었다. 또한 클래식 라디오 89.1 & 89.5fm(Classical 89)에 초청되어 인터뷰 및 연주하였고, 같은 해 3월에는 워싱턴의 케네디센터에서 연주하였다.
피아니스트 이은애는 미국 노스웨스턴대 음악대학에서 박사학위를 취득하였다. 사사) James Giles, Richard Goode, Martin Canin, 이경숙, 강교실, 장보원
Deutsche (Click)
Vom Pianisten Richard Goode als Künstlerin mit großer Ausdruckskraft bezeichnet, und von der Presse in Cleveland als Pianistin mit starker Intensität gelobt, gehört Eunae zu den meist gelobten koreanischen Pianistinnen unserer Zeit. Ihren ersten Unterricht bekam Eunae an der Yewon Arts School und Seoul Arts High School. Ihr Solodebut gab sie mit dem Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 von Saint-Saens mit dem Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra unter der Leitung von Bong Kim. Ihr Erfolg in Korea brachte sie in die USA, wo sie an der Juilliard School bei Martin Canin studierte.
EunAe hat in zahlreichen Wettbewerben erste Preise erzeit. Sie erhielt den Barenreiter Urtext Preis und den Alice Rosnet Preis beim ARD Wettbewerb in München, wo sie mit dem Bayerischen Radio Sinfonie Orchester auftrat. Sie hat außerdem Preise bei folgenden Wettbewerben gewonnen: Hilton Head, Bösendorfer USA, Juilliard Competition, the World Piano Teachers Association International, etc. EunAe war Halbfinalistin im in den internationalen Wettbewerben in Cleveland, Gina Bachauer und Queen Elizabeth. 2017 war sie Finalistin beim Internationalen Van Cliburn Wettbewerb. Sie trat als Solistin und Kammermusikerin in vielen großen Konzertsälen auf, darunter das Lincoln Center, Peter Jay Sharp Theatre, Kennedy Center’s Millenium Stage, Merkin Hall, Flushing Town Hall, um nur einige zu nennen. Zur Zeit wohnt EunAe in Evanston, Illinois und vervollständigt ihre Doktorarbeit an der Northwestern University unter der Leitung von Dr. James Giles.
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